I hooked this assembly to a 693 plunge router and a Sears 2.5 hp shop vac and routed several ½" x ½" dadoes in poplar, oak and MDF. I wonder if this piece is available separately? Take care not to raise the cutter into the cover. The shaft hole in the cover may be smaller than the diameter of some cutters. The cover surrounds the bit area, keeping chips from flying out and away from the bit. With the various hose connections sticking out from the base, you might need to walk through the routing operation to make sure nothing is in the way of getting the job done.A clear cover is attached to the top of the base with three machine screws. Some forethought must be given to the setup, especially with the plunge base. Since the 690 sub-base is attached with three screws, the vacuum base can be mounted in any of three positions with respect to the router body. You need to think ahead and orient the base in the best position for your needs. A short adapter is screwed to the side of the base and accepts a standard 1-1/2" shop vac hose. The dust chute exits the side of the vacuum base when surface routing. This might be a problem with some shorter bits. With this added thickness you’ll loose a bit of depth capacity. It’s about ½" thick and replaces the standard sub-base. All of the necessary screws are included with the kit.The heart of the kit is the vacuum base. An adapter piece is included so the dust collector may be used with the new Porter Cable edge guides. They are used in various combinations to route the face or edge of a work piece and to accommodate guide bushings. Several parts make up the dust collector kit. If you want to see a picture, go to PC’s web site and click on the menu item for new stuff. You’ll probably see them on sale for $40 to $45. List price for either is in the mid 50 dollar range. The 39700 fits the larger routers with 7" bases.
#Porter cable dust extractor vacuum Pc
The smaller 39690 fits the 690 series, the 100 and other PC routers with 5-3/4" bases. Since so many have PC routers I thought I’d pass along some early comments. I recently picked up the Porter-Cable router dust collector attachment.