
Active listening exercises for married couples
Active listening exercises for married couples

active listening exercises for married couples

It is easy to misinterpret a tone simply from the written words this happens many times in the surgical environment because teams are detailed, task-oriented, and state their messages to only reflect the information wanting to be delivered. The written form of verbal communication can create more negative feelings because of an implied tone compared to communication that takes place face-to-face, which tends to be more straightforward. The tone of the information or feelings behind the words of the sender can cause misunderstandings and miscommunications. In the operating room, answers are usually required to be very brief and contain the most accurate information but the tone with which that information is delivered is important as well. This can lead to many conflicts not only in the workplace but also with the patients being cared for. Verbal communication is written or oral and contains an underlying tone that can have a dramatic outcome on the receiver’s interpretation of the message. The tone of a message can be misinterpreted very easily, which is why a feedback mechanism is necessary. Many additional factors can get in the way of effective communication with a two-way communication process and they can inhibit “active listening.” The delivery of a sender’s message is just as important as the content of the message. Short answers can be interpreted or misconstrued which causes more stress within the team. In the operating room, for example, everyone is very busy and task-oriented towards a good patient outcome and this focus allows teammates to answer questions with very short answers so that they can continue with the tasks they were performing. In the healthcare arena, many workers are surprised by the difficulty of this task, which adds stress to the work environment. Good communication will allow teams to effectively solve problems and decrease patient safety errors.


This type of communication does not come naturally and needs to be practiced and perfected to create professional teamwork and great patient relationships required for positive outcomes. It is imperative that the receiver gives feedback to the sender to inform the sender that they received all of the information the sender was trying to relay.

active listening exercises for married couples active listening exercises for married couples

The person sending the information is considered the sender, and the person receiving the information is considered the receiver. The two-way process consists of a person that will provide information to another person in the form of verbal, written, feelings, or expressions. Communication is a two-way process and good communication requires many skills.

Active listening exercises for married couples